Unified Communications

Rapidly evolving technologies, consumerization of IT, proliferation of smart phones and the increasing adoption of Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) are simultaneously creating a host of new opportunities and challenges at workplaces. Unified Communications is driving a paradigm shift in communications in terms of both technology and economics. Enterprises are looking at unification of various communication tools and integration of new architecture through sophisticated and secure technological solutions over virtualized platforms. With the services tightly linked to the user, this unification provides unprecedented levels of personalization and control over the communications experience at any time, in any place and on any device.

Building your enterprise communications on a unified communications platform increases collaboration and maximizes your business efficiency. Choosing the right partner can simplify your network infrastructure; seamlessly transforming your business to a next generation enterprise.


The success of deploying Unified Communications and Collaboration Solutions in an enterprise is not just about saving infrastructure costs, but also about business value delivered to clients. Our solutions and expertise provides the following benefits to an enterprise:


Identifying the key business challenges is important for the success of deploying any Unified Communication solution. Our solutions help organizations in resolving challenges and foster business growth.

Lack of information visibility throughout the communication channel

Changing customer relationship management expectations

Failure to respond to shifting consumer behavior

Optimizing operations and maximizing ROI on technology spend

Secured mobility to enhance user productivity


Our solution offerings revolve around three core services offerings – Advisory Transformation and Managed. We enable organizations to develop a clear unified communications solution strategy and build a roadmap for achieving same. Our services include identification of business needs, reasons for lack of UC adaptation, suggestions/solutions addressing the needs and final stage of deployment.